SUSU students’ knowledge will become encyclopedic

The fund of the SUSU Scientific Library has been replenished with 25 volumes of a new encyclopedic dictionary. NES is a universal encyclopedia in Russian, published in the Russian Empire by the F. A. Brockhaus — I. A. Efron joint-stock publishing company (St. Petersburg) in the early twentieth century. Today, the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary is in the public domain, although the encyclopedia is archaic in scientific and technical terms, many of its articles are still of historical value.
The Rare Book Hall gratefully accepted into its fund a multi-volume edition from the famous entrepreneur, public figure and philanthropist Anatoly Leirikh: "This is a rare publication published during the period of two revolutions in Russia, the events and assessments of which may be unique in their content, since they were made not just by contemporaries, but by eyewitnesses of the "great turning point" who had no idea what historical changes awaited our Homeland ahead."
Anatoly Andreevich is actively involved in life and cooperates with many Russian universities, and perhaps this beautiful gesture will be the beginning of a new joint project.:
"We are not just handing over books, we are handing over a topic, an interesting and fascinating work related to the long-term search, generalization and analysis of deep historical material. Our Russian history, great and complex, sometimes confusing and tragic, but always victorious! And along the way, we wish them new discoveries, the involvement of inquisitive youth in this work, and, of course, good luck, without which we will not achieve any success in finding anything new!"
The University expresses its sincere appreciation for the contribution to the replenishment of the library fund.Publish now